This handsome little man came to see me last week when he was almost 2 weeks old exactly. He was such a doll baby. He hardly fussed at all, and loved being all wrapped up. Matteo was about 7 lbs when he was born, and his dark hair was just to die for! Now that my youngest child is 2 years old, newborns are such a treat for me! I truly enjoy getting to snuggle and photograph these precious babies. Time flies so fast, and tired moms and dads usually aren’t thinking about breaking out that camera and taking a few pictures.
Planning your newborn session
I try my best not to book solid, but due to my family size, and only having a few days a week that I can be available to do newborn sessions, it is best to try to book your session a few months in advance. Once you schedule your session, I will put your due date on my calendar. You simply contact me once your baby arrives, and we will set the date for your newborn session then. Newborn sessions are typically done between days 5-14. This is because babies are the most sleepy, and easily posed during this time. Newborn sessions take between 2-3 hours for most babies, and this allows plenty of time for feeding breaks as needed. I recommend to all of my clients that even if you aren’t a fan of pacifiers, they can be a huge help when moving baby from one position to another to keep baby happy and from waking up. I have unopened packages of soothie pacifiers at my studio just in case we need one. I also keep my studio space nice and toasty so that baby doesn’t mind not being fully clothed!
If you’d like to take a peek inside my studio, click here.
Handsome Little Man

buckhead newborn photographer